Do you want to communicate better, work through conflict, and rekindle intimacy?

You wish “your person” was a safe haven, a connecting and encouraging person you looked forward to coming home to. But they’re not, at least, not now.

monstera plant in therapy office

Perhaps you feel lonely and disconnected, living more like roommates who run a household together.

Or maybe you’re fighting a lot. Issues like spending, work, drinking, parenting, sexual intimacy, infidelity, or difficult relationships with family seem immovable. Hurtful words, insults, and/or the silent treatment have created more pain. You don’t know how to rebuild, if you want to, or if you can. You want help (and you hope your partner is willing).

We get it, and we think couples therapy can help.

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Soul Restoration Project logo

Here’s our perspective. In your conflict or avoidance, you and your partner are trying to…

✢ be heard ✢

✢ protect yourself ✢

✢ get your needs met ✢

✢ fight for what you feel is right ✢

Your needs aren’t bad. Actually, they’re important.
It’s the ways you’re trying to get them met that’s not helpful.

Looking at attachment patterns and the ‘dances’ you do in conflict, among other frameworks, you’ll see your struggles in new ways

You’ll increase your self-understanding and empathy for your partner, and outline a new way forward.

Initially, if you’re at a crisis point, we’ll give you some tools and a plan to manage the day-to-day conflicts. As stability is achieved, and there is enough emotional safety, therapy can help you go deeper. 

The deeper and most transformative work is getting to the root issues underneath. 

It’s unpacking layers of thoughts, feelings, needs and hurt. And learning to respond to one another with sensitivity, care and a desire to repair. In this tender work, authentic and lasting healing, and relationship growth can be experienced.

Along the way you’ll also gain a variety of tools to help you communicate, listen well, negotiate conflicts and build on the strengths of your relationship.

Our Specialties

Is this your time to heal and grow?
If so, let’s connect! 

Find your therapist.

Schedule a free consultation.

Begin a new healing journey.