When you are deep in negative thoughts and feelings, life feels so hard.

Therapy can help you feel connected, understood and nurtured back into a more hopeful and engaged life.

The cloud of depression distorts thoughts, feelings and/or energy. It can make life feel so hard as the negativity becomes pervasive.

Whether your depression is brief or long lasting, a consistent low or cyclically up and down, intense or mild, we want you to know there is help available. 

What are your symptoms of depression?

  • Feeling down, sad, hopeless, despair.

  • Negative, critical or dark thoughts. 

  • Desire to self-harm or end your life. 

  • Recurring thoughts of death.

  • Low energy and fatigue.

  • Brain fog.

  • Feeling worthless, like a burden. 

  • Difficulty sleeping or wanting to sleep all the time.

  • Anger, irritability, frustration.

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

  • Isolation and withdrawal.

  • Loss of pleasure.

  • Overeating or loss of appetite.

  • Physical pain or digestive issues.

therapy office in long beach ca

You might also find yourself feeling guilty or ashamed for struggling with depression.

Perhaps you say to yourself,

✢ “My life is so good, I have nothing to be depressed about.” ✢

✢ “I feel so bad for feeling bad when there are people who have it so much worse.” ✢

✢ “I’m supposed to have hope. I must be a spiritual failure.” ✢

✢ “I just need to pray more, exercise, eat better, think more positively.” ✢

Whatever depression looks like for you, we know it’s a dark and lonely place.

Our approach is gentle and direct, helping you find some immediate relief as we uncover and work through the experiences that trigger and contribute to your depression.

How does healing happen?


The healing of depression involves experiencing the presence of another in your darkness and loneliness. It starts with the experience of someone, like your therapist, joining you exactly where you are, so that together you can find a way out. The therapy relationship can be a lifeline out of your darkness. 


As you explore your story and your depression starts to make more sense, slowly you will recover some desire to do or think about some things differently. You’ll gain tools of self-compassion and connection with your body as well as with others. You’ll look at your family history of depression as well as circumstances or medical conditions that may be contributing factors so they can be treated appropriately. 


A deep dive into how you think and feel will help you understand and work through your depression. Unpacking your story we will make sense of why you are struggling as you are. Noticing patterns in your experiences of depression will help you find your way out, and also help you anticipate future vulnerabilities. You’ll listen to different parts of yourself that hold various feelings. You’ll become aware of younger parts of yourself that are hurting and need to be cared for. Understanding these deeper unmet needs and healing the injuries or trauma that gives rise to your depression is central to creating long-lasting change. 


The journey out of depression involves connecting deeply with self and others. To experience the presence of another in the dark areas of depression can ignite a light that helps guide you out of the darkness. Ongoing connection with others and with ourselves – body, mind and spirit – fosters meaning, purpose and hope. 

Spiritual integration can be very helpful in this healing process. Whatever your belief system, we will encourage your spiritual growth. For Christians, cultivating an honest, healthy relationship with the God who made you and loves you unconditionally provides a deep anchor for your sense of connection, hope and purpose.

While depression can make it hard to take the next step, you can do it! We want to journey with you to recover positive feelings, energy, your sense of purpose and hope.

If you are having a mental health crisis, please call or text 988, the suicide and crisis hotline.

Is this your time to heal and grow?
If so, let’s connect! 

Find your therapist.

Schedule a free consultation.

Begin a new healing journey.