Porn, affairs or sex in an addictive form is interfering with your life.

OR You’re the betrayed partner.

With a safe space to heal your pain and make changes, you can discover hope and freedom.

Sex addiction and betrayal thrive in shame, secrecy and isolation. You think you can figure it out on your own, but then you find yourself stuck again.

Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

You need the support of a therapist who genuinely gets it.

But sometimes it’s hard to find the right support. You don’t need a therapist or friend who will downplay the addiction when you know it’s significant. You don’t need someone who will make you feel crazy for wanting to stay with your partner, or for wanting to leave.

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At SRP, Certified Sex Addiction Therapists and Certified Partner Betrayal Therapists have expertise in the latest tools for helping addicts, partners and couples find healing and become more whole, authentic and healthy individuals and/or partners.

They will lead through the process of healing in a way that is tailored to your specific experience and circumstances. For both addicts and partners, group support can be a helpful place to come out of shame and isolation and meet with others who see you and understand you. 

What is Sex Addiction?

It’s an intense preoccupation with sexual thoughts, fantasies, or behaviors that interferes with daily life, relationships, and responsibilities. It can involve engaging in sexual activities despite the negative consequences such as relationship problems, health risks, or legal issues.

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The recovery process for sex addiction involves:

  • Managing an immediate crisis.

  • Honest admission of current and past behaviors.

  • Understanding the addiction cycle as it relates to their behaviors.

  • Learning to be ongoingly honest.

  • Becoming accountable.

  • Identifying triggers.

  • Coping in healthy ways. 

  • Taking responsibility for your actions.

  • Making amends.

  • Addressing underlying trauma. 

  • Learning to communicate your feelings and needs.

  • Creating a healthier view of your sexuality and sex. 

What is Betrayal Trauma?

Betrayal stemming from infidelity, sex and porn addiction is a form of trauma that shatters your sense of safety, security and trust with yourself and in your relationship.

It impacts you emotionally, psychologically and physically.

Discovering betrayal can send you on an emotional rollercoaster, causing your brain to go haywire with fight, flight, or freeze responses.

Suddenly, your emotional radar goes berserk, triggering a sense of rejection. As a result, your logical thinking brain area takes a hit, leading to a whirlwind of confusion, out-of-character moments, and mood swings.

The relationship suffers from a breach of trust due to lying and manipulation as to protect the sexual acting out. This deception can lead to feelings of inadequacy, impacting emotional and sexual closeness as well as overall mental well-being. What once felt like simple tasks can now feel overwhelming which can create a cascade of complex emotions and behaviors.

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The healing process for partners involves:

  • Managing the trauma symptoms.

  • Regulating overwhelming emotions.

  • Facing the extent of the betrayal. 

  • Making difficult decisions.

  • Grieving.

  • Setting healthy boundaries.

  • Expressing needs.

  • Navigating relating with your partner.

Are you wondering if you are a sex addict? Are you wondering if your partner is a sex addict?

Take an assessment here.

After addiction and betrayal, it’s possible to…

Become a person you respect.

Have a healthy and satisfying sex life.

Have a relationship that is marked by joy, faithfulness and maturity.

Is this your time to heal and grow?
If so, let’s connect!

To get started, click the button below and use the search filter
to find our therapists who specialize in sex addiction or betrayal trauma.