Lily Morrill

therapy dog in orange county, california

Hi I’m Lily.
I’m the SRP Paw-Sistant!!

Who I Help

I help hoomans feel more relaxed so that they can experience comfort and courage for their healing journey. I would love to sit with you! 

I love my job. When I realize I’m going to work, I get so excited! I see my many hooman friends and I get to meet new ones in the waiting room. In session, I sometimes sit with whomever on the couch. Or with my hooman. I also help the therapists. Group supervision is one of my favorite times of the week. The therapists love me, and I love them, and I get lots of pets. 

Sometimes people bring me treats. (I have no dietary restrictions.)

About Me

I’m a mellow dog who loves people. I am a Master Couch Potato. I generally hang out in the office or stay in my beloved crate. 

I’m a “poodle-mutt.” More precisely, according to my DNA report, I’m a mix of poodle, Bichon Frieze, terrier and a little bit of a few other things. While there’s really no such thing as a totally hypo-allergenic dog, I’m pretty close. I’m about 10-ish years old. I was adopted in 2017 from a rescue organization, so we’re not quite sure of my origin story or my age.

I am a very good girl. I know my commands even if I don’t always comply. If I feel afraid, I hide or go to my hooman’s lap. I also love cats and squirrels. I’m not a huge fan of other dogs. That’s my “issue” that I haven’t quite worked through.  

I’m a model comfort doggo who has inspired four people/families to get their first dogs.

Certifications and Advanced Trainings

American Kennel Club Good Citizen. I passed my test with flying colors.  

My hooman has taken courses on integrating doggos into psychotherapy. 

Outside of the Office

I enjoy chicken, bacon, corn and other delectables. I like walks, belly rubs, playing catch with treats, and hanging out with my friends.

I am available to meet and greet by appointment.

I’m not a huge fan of technology so you can email me through my hooman, Catherine Morrill.


Vickie Wagner, LMFT